Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Explaining Revelation Quote

The quote from revelation shows a lot of different things. One thing that it shows is the river and that water gives life to everything around it. Next you have the tree of life which could be the same tree that Adam and Eve ate off of in the Garden of Eden. This shows that the bible starts in a garden and ends in a garden. The third thing that it shows is the fruit. The fruit could represent the 12 tribes of Israel or they could represent the 12 apostles. The last thing in revelation is the leaves that will heal the nations. These leaves from the tree of life will take away all the curses that god put on the earth with the 7 seals.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Painting: Micheal and the Angels Fighting the Dragon
Painted by: CAROLSFELD, Julius Schnorr von
Revelation 12

Painting: St. Micheal the Arch Angel

Painted by: Carracci Annibale

Revelation 12

Painting: The Great Red Dragon and the Beast from the Sea

Painted by: William Blake

Revelation 13

Revelation Painting

Painting: The Seventh Seal

Painted by: Casper Luiken

Revelation 8

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Revelation Paintings

Painting: The Four Horseman

Painted by: George Amarcelo

Revelation Chapter 6

Monday, October 19, 2009

Revelation Painting

Painting: The Alpha and Omega

Painted by: Ted Larson

From Revelation 22:13: I am the Alpha and Omega, the First the Last, the Beginning the End.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Gospel of John

The Gospel of John is unlike the rest of the Gospels. Over 90% of the text in John is unique. John has had more effect on the Christian community then all of the other Gospels. The Gospel of John contains four main parts:
    1. Prologue
    2. The Book of Signs
    3. The Passion narrative
    4. The epilogue

The Prologue is a hymn identifying Jesus as the Logos and as God. The Book of Signs recounts Jesus' public ministry, and includes the signs worked by Jesus and some of his teachings. The Passion narrative recounts The Last Supper focusing mostly on Jesus' farewell discourse, Jesus' arrest and crucifixion, his burial, and resurrection. The epilogue records a resurrection appearance of Jesus to his disciples in Galilee.

Gospel of Luke

The Gospel of Luke is the third and last synoptic Gospel. Luke presents Jesus to the Gentiles as the savior of all mankind. Luke contains numerous references to the activity of the Holy Spirit. Women are given special attention in Luke. Luke contains the story of the Nativity, the Road to Emmaus, Miracles and parables, the trials and crucifixion of Jesus, and the resurrection.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Gospel of Mark

The Gospel of Mark is the second of the synoptic gospels. It is very similar to Matthew, but it has some key differences. Unlike the Gospel of Matthew, Mark starts out with the baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River. The Gospel mostly concentrates on the last week of his life. Its swift narritive portrays Jesus as a heroic man if action, an exorcist, a healer, and a miracal worker. It calls him the Son of Man, the Son of God, and the Christ.

Gospel of Matthew

The Gospel of Mark is one of the four synoptic gospels. It contains 4 main parts. They are:

  1. The genealogy, the birth, and infancy of Jesus.
  2. The discourses and actions of John the Baptists prior to Christ's public ministry.
  3. The discourses and actions of Christ in Galilee. It also contains the Sermon on the Mount, the Missionary Discourse, the Parable Discourse, the "Church Order" Discourse, and the Eschatological Discourse
  4. The sufferings, death and resurrection of Christ, and the Great Commission

Biblical Literature
